Saturday, August 27, 2011

A personal update..

 I dont know all the in's and out's of the up coming healthcare bill.. I just pray that it will be better than what I and several of my friends have now. A friend with a pre-existing condition ( Breast cancer remission) pays $1200 a month for coverage with a $5000 deductible..
My companies health care provider ended my coverage and REQUIRED me to apply with Medicare after 24 months of my illness. I was shocked, they wanted to cut and run from me when I really needed them. The coverage I have now is comparable except for prescription coverage.. My prescriptions cost me over $1600 per month, or just shy of $20,000 per year, OUT OF MY POCKET....ridiculous huh? Thats not the best of it.. My doc has added a new med she wants me to try --its a newer injectable that will cost me $1400 per month...I can give it a try for a few months..that about it..( at this point I want to try anything I can)- I cant leave any stone unturned..

Speaking of ridiculous, my continued diagnosis of Inflammatory Arthritis, Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue is VERY FRUSTRATING.I am coming up on 4 years since this nightmare started. I take over $3000 a month in medicine, with that amount of money you would think I should be able to walk on water..or at least feel like I could...its not working out that way unfortunately..

The Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia absolutely kick my ass. I am a human barometer when it comes to the Fibromyalgia- thats one of the best descriptors I can offer.. I dont know exactly what it is,  but weather changes just make me miserable.. You ask me what they are, I cant tell you everything, but I sure have somewhat of an idea..Moisture in the area, pressure changes, High or Low, Hi heat, Hi humidity and fronts of any kind- including vorts moving through at very high levels of the atmosphere.. In the Winter- cold air definately adds to my misery.

My fatigue has been like nothing I have ever experienced over the past 6-8 seems to be progressing instead of getting better.I dont have energy!! I dont sleep well- I go to bed early and it depends on how I sleep that determines when I wake up.. some days it is 3AM when I wake up, some days it is 8 or 9.. The crazy part is I do not know what kind of a day I am going to have for a couple of hours after I wake up..I might have slept for 9 hours and 2 hours after getting up I might be miserably fatigued..crazy huh? Some days I might have energy until the afternoon if I am lucky, but most of the time I struggle..
Along with the incredible fatigue I find my muscles, tendons and joints sore and achy most all the time...some days worse than other.. the bad weather days add to the incredible soreness.
The flu-like feeling I have is the worst- I feel like I have the flu- I ache so bad and all I can do is stay in bed..

My Drs want me to do as much as I can.. so I try and do things around the house- or go to lunch with friends or participate in a KEC meeting or support group .. the problem with that is when I do something.. I PAY FOR IT.. I become very very sore a day or so later and it takes me a while to recover...which seems to be harder and harder.

I also experience "FLARES"-- they come on without warning and last anywhere from 2-3 days to 10-14 days, which has been the longest one I have experienced. The flares are where I feel flu-like the entire time.. I am just wiped out and it takes me at least as much time as I was down or more to recover and feel somewhat decent..another thing that DRIVES me crazy is what they call "the fog".. I seem to have that sporadically..there are days where I cannot remember things or concentrate well even when I am in mid sentence- or I forget things.. For those who know me well.. thats NOT me.. never has been.. it drives me NUTS.. so some days I feel my intelligence level is not close to what I am capable of.... also another think I deal with frequently is mood swings..just ask my family, and yes some of you, my friends.. I try but I seem to not be able to control any of these things.. so please be patient with me...I need all the friends I canget to help me through this...

Good days are so far apart these days.. I used to have them more often.. The last few months I haven't been as fortunate..

I continue to gain weight - for many reasons apparently--and no, it not because I sit and eat bon bons and watch soap operas- like some early on Drs  have accused me of -lol- Weight gain is caused by several factors I have been told, including the meds I take, as well as the etiology of the Chronic fatigue syndrome from many of the articles I have been reading and what I am being told by my new experts it just happens..

I really do appreciate all of the well wishes I get from all my friends.. I am sorry if some days it might seem like I am bitchy or moody..

I have tried everything I can to make me feel better, sometimes 2-3 times, just to see if it works, or I missed something.. to this point I have had no real successes..

Thanks again for checking out my blog...its something I enjoy doing..its been a while since I did one.. just haven't felt like putting one together- after several messages lately asking how I am doing I thought I would let all my friends know..

Hope all is well in your lives...thanks again for all the positive thoughts and prayers..continue to include me!



  1. I love you, Jon. I wish there was something I or anyone could do to make your health issues go away.

  2. Jon, you and I need to brainstorm. Your symptoms are much like my own and my husbands. His RLS and FMS were caused by a severe heatstroke two years ago. I've lived with them for more than 20 years. He recently lost his insurance as well and costs are anywhere from $3000-5000 a month for medications, out of pocket. At present, there is NO emergency medication fund in the state of Kansas to help people who have lost their insurance. IF you qualify for state assistance, they can take up to 45 days to make a decision. Most who lose their insurance, don't qualify for assistance and the cost of insurance is too expensive. I can offer you some holistic suggestions to help with your symptoms, but unfortunately, they're costly, just not as costly as prescription medication. The up-side is, the holistic resources don't have the side effects that prescriptions do.
