Thursday, March 10, 2011

Will Kansans ever say ENOUGH is ENOUGH??

Many Kansans do not understand that it is LEGAL to DISCRIMINATE!!??!!!

Some do, and apparently want it to continue....

Kansas House member Jan Pauls, Democrat of Hutchinson, is one that obviously wants DISCRIMINATION to CONTINUE.

Paul's, an 8 term Legislator, is the ONLY Representative to CONTINUALLY-year after year- testify AGAINST any NON-DISCRIMINATION Law that is introduced in the Kansas Legislature that would make discriminating against GLBT Kansans illegal.
The gist of her testimony is that employers and landlords as well as business owners should be able to hire, rent or provide services to who they want to without repercussion.  She doesn't want employers and business owners "religious beliefs" being burdened by having to hire someone GAY...That is DISCRIMINATION at its best and when it infringes on peoples rights it is time to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH Kansas- lets keep religion and politics seperate...

Discrimination is discrimination, plan and simple.. It needs to END and it needs to END NOW. If you continue to allow it- you might as well join the Phelps and help spread there vile rhetoric.

Where are all of the MODERATE/CENTRIST Kansans that say they are fiscally conservative but socially welcoming?

Help my friends and I end this ridiculousness...

Please consider donating your time, energy and money over the next several months so we can  pass a NON- DISCRIMINATION LAW in KANSAS, or in our local cities. One way or the other we want protections--NOTHING SPECIAL as the opposition says we want-- just the Rights everyone else has.

As a GAY man, I loathe the idea that an employer has a right not to hire me or one of my intelligent friends or a landlord does not have to lease to us just because our sexual orientation...Come on Kansas...ISN'T IT WAY PAST TIME??? EQUALITY FOR ALL!!!

Close to 90% of Kansans personally know someone who is GAY or LESBIAN. They are our brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, mothers, fathers, nieces, nephews, co-workers, neighbors and friends.

If you want to help, please join the Kansas Equality Coalition . We welcome EVERY law abiding, non discriminating Kansan who believes in diversity!! We appreciate your memberships and donations! Our opposition is well financed and very can help us by joining and getting involved.

Another way to HELP is to share this with everyone you know...Lets make Kansas known for EQUALITY instead of  being the home to the Phelps clan...

Find our KEC Chapter on Facebook  at .

Thanks for listening...

Remember......please don't be silent....


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