Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Kansas Preservation of Religious Freedom Act aka State sponsored BIGOTRY and HATE

The Kansas State Legislature Judiciary Committee has introduced a Bill- HB2260 that is called the "Kansas Preservation of Religion Act".  This Bill has been introduced by social conservatives, which seem to be most of the Kansas legislative contingent, since the slaughter in Nov 2010. Moderates on the Right were more reliable in many instances than Conservative Democrats, but they are gone, voted out, or have had to move farther Right in order to protect their office -- I bet you never thought we would use those two words together describing one person....crazy huh??

HB2260 would create the "Kansas Preservation of Religious Freedom Act." The bill would prohibit state and local governments from substantially burdening a person’s religious exercise unless the government can prove that the burden is advancing a compelling government interest and is the least restrictive way of advancing the interest. A person who has been burdened or is substantially likely to be burdened under this Act, could file a judicial proceeding and a court could grant remedies described in the bill. The bill would apply to all government actions including but not limited to all state and local laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, and policies, including the implementation no matter when it was enacted or adopted.

From a GLBT perspective- if this Bill gets passed ,we are, to put it bluntly, screwed...
This law would prevent GLBT activists from working with local municipalities trying to pass non-discrimination ordinances, something that many groups around the country have started doing since State and Federal lawmakers have become so afraid of the powerful well funded, well organized, Religious Right.
The Bill also allows for "remedies" - against the group who is burdening the Religious folks. The remedies range from basic injunctive relief to significant financial awards.

Any current non discrimination ordinances on the books are in jeopardy if this passes.

If you haven't figured out the impact of this Bill yet- think about this....
This Bills intent was to STOP local LGBT ordinances where cities decide to add sexual orientation and gender identity- perceived or otherwise as a protected class- such as  Race, Color, Natural Origin, Religion, Sex, Age and Disability Physical already are. None of the current protected classes place a burden on someones religion but sexual orientation does--it  apparently PISSES OFF another protected class- some persons religious view..especially FRED PHELPS...

My point is this-- this proposed law STRENGTHENS the Phelps cause-- strengthens his hate--no bones about it- HE HATES.. Now, this law would allow him to SUE every city or county that would try and pass a LGBT non DISCRIMINATION ordinance because its places an "undue burden" on "his religion".

Any Religious organization who favors this-and there are MANY, are no better than the crazy man PHELPS - who PROMOTES HATE AND BIGOTRY all in the name of Religion...

The attorney for the Kansas Equality Coalition said it best last week when testifying  in front of the Kansas Senate.. Bigotry wrapped in Prayer is still Bigotry...Amen hit the nail on the head!

If you are as offended as I am about this Bill- HB2260- please don't think there is nothing that can be done- your voice can and needs to be heard...

Please click the link below - call and email everyone of these legislators listed and tell them to VOTE AGAINST  HB226O-- Religion is already a protected class- and Being GAY is STILL ILLEGAL in Kansas..IT MUST  STOP!!!!/topic.php?uid=7832129234&topic=20347

Lastly- at a Democratic function this evening in Hutchinson- I had the opportunity to visit with Jan Paul's- Democratic House member from Hutchinson. I introduced myself and asked Mrs Paul's to vote against this Bill as it want nothing but a Bill making HATE legal. She told me she hasn't studied it a lot but that she was MOST LIKELY going to vote IN FAVOR of the Bill as employers should not be required to hire someone that conflicts with the employers religious beliefs....ABSOLUTELY AMAZING...

Are we in IRAN or are we in KANSAS????????????????????????


  1. America is a free nation, and freedom of religion is still guaranteed in the Constitution’s First Amendment.
    Even thou I dislike Fred Phelps the ACLU says he has a right of his so called religion just like atheist have a right.

  2. Do you see what a slippery slope this BILL would be-- It would allow for Religious Groups to file suit everytime someone "burdens" them with what they dont agree long as they are NOT a protected class--so this law makes it OPEN season on GLBT people--
