Most everyone that follows my blog knows that I am very outspoken when it comes to Equality for Gay, Lesbian, Bi-Sexual and Transgendered persons.. I am a member of the Kansas Equality Coalition which has a mission statement of Ending Discrimination based upon Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity.
As a gay man who was embarrassed and guilty of who I was for many many years (just like many of my friends were and yes, still are) I have finally realized after 40 some years of my life that it is OK to be who I am....except for one problem, where I live, I do not have protections from discrimination.
I live in Hutchinson Kansas. Hutchinson currently has protections in place, for it citizens based upon color, race, religion, the disabled, national origin and gender. Like most other cities in Kansas, Hutchinson doesn't have protections for those of us who have struggled with being who we are most of our life.
What does this mean to you, you ask, and why is it important? It means that an employer can decide not to hire you simply based on your actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity. That means if the business you are applying to work for is uneducated or misinformed about sexual orientation or gender identity they can refuse to hire you...and its LEGAL... It also means that if an employer hires you and finds out that you are GBLT they can fire you just for that reason. Additionally without protections, GLBT persons can be denied housing by landlords.
You are probably thinking like some of my own family members who say no way- this doesnt happen in this day an age.....Let me tell you, IT HAPPENS MANY TIMES PER MONTH, IN HUCHINSON KS.
What is so unfortunate is that so many think GLBT persons are already protected and once they find out they are not they cannot believe it, they are shocked
I had a back and forth conversation with a Hutchinson landlord on social media who told me I was MISINFORMED when I posted that a friend of mine was kicked out of his apartment because he was attracting "negative" attention at the complex..(his car was being vandalized with spray paint in the complex parking lot) FAG and QUEER were painted on it not once, but twice- so he was evicted. I had another friend who was evicted from her place because she was letting her girlfriend stay over on the weekends and the landlord of her property didn't approve of it.
Don't get me wrong... we have many GREAT people here in Hutchinson...but it is time to hold those who dont believe in Equality and Diversity accountable. EVERYONE deserves the same opportunities in their pursuit of liberty- not just heterosexuals.
I am asking ALL of my family, friends, KEC members and allies to attend the Hutchinson City Council meeting on Tuesday November 1st , when I will be asking them to consider adding Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity as protected classes..
It is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to have as many people present as possible when I make this request.. Number one, I really want and need your support, secondly, it will send a message to the City Council members that we have many people who care and support this issue.
If you would like to know what this will do and how it would affect the community .. please read my previous blog...You will find out not much will just gves GLBT persons the ability to file a complaint if they feel they have been discriminated against..That is something they cant do now.. the Citys Human Relations Commission cannot hear any cases from a GLBT person because we are not a protected class.. so there is NO WAY or NO ONE to report cases of discrimination to, thats what we want to change....
I hope to see you on TUESDAY NOVEMBER 1st at 845am at the Hutchinsons, City Hall council chambers-- Ave B and Walnut..
Lets have a standing room only should be over by 930am
Best of luck to you in this endeavor. Sue from Manhattan, KS