Thursday, March 10, 2011

Kansas Legislature gives Supreme Court the finger.....

Governor Brownback promised during his campaign to clean up old and outdated legislation.
He actually followed through with this pledge and created the "Office of the Repealer". Groups can schedule meetings with this office to go over out dated Kansas Laws..

The Kansas Equality Coalition, an LGBT Equality group with 11 chapter statewide and a full time lobbyist saw an opportunity to get some discriminatory and UNCONSTITUTIONAL laws off the Kansas statutes.
Specifically the same sex sodomy laws, which were struck down back in 2003 by the Supreme Court of the United States in a case Lawrence v Texas.

After meeting with Gov Brownbacks office of the Repealer we knew that our request would most likely be lost or denied for some off the wall reason- you can tell the staff member taking our request was incredibly uncomfortable...

After hearing nothing the KEC decided to get a Repeal Bill started in the House and Senate..
The Bill was voted out of a Senate Committee to be heard and voted on, on the Senate floor- no Vote has taken place...

A similar House Bill was making its way through a committee this week when 2 of the committee members decided that this outdated and UNCONSTITUTIONAL law didn't need to be least that is  what their excuse it- so they amended the Bill and stripped the repeal language out...WHY is the question at hand...

Well we have a pretty good idea- they say that this UNCONSTITUTIONAL law repeal would have possibly slowed down other more pertinent legislation it was attached too... REALLY??? IT IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL--how in the world could it have slowed down other Bills???
Oh yes-- I know-- because it was a law that had to do with GAYS..

What a  sickening excuse that was given by Jan Pauls-- DEM of Hutchinson KS--Yes-- I said DEMOCRAT. Mrs Pauls - an attorney and former Judge knows the law inside and out-- she knows this was an UNCONSTITUTIONAL Law- she didn't want to REPEAL it- she wants it left on the books..WHY YOU ASK??
Because she has a problem with LGBT persons..  anytime she can she refuses to help on LGBT issues in the name of religion.
Pauls is the ONLY legislator that goes out of her way to testify AGAINST LGBT non discrimination laws anytime they are brought up in the Kansas Legislature which has been every year in the last five years.. According to her testimony- having protections for LGBT people is not necessary--as people don't know you are GAY unless you tell someone- so the GAYS need to keep their mouths shut...She understands that African Americans and people of color need protections because they cant change the color of their skin, but the  gays-- they need to keep quiet and no one will every know and then they won't discriminate....she doesn't like having business owners, landlords having to hire/rent to LGBT persons because it could infringe on their religious principals.....AMAZING HUH????

Not repealing an UNCONSTITUTIONAL LAW, one that has been deemed that way for EIGHT years is nothing more that spitting in the faces of those on the Supreme Court.

Kansans need to say we have had enough...

If they are willing to not risk a false arrest or unconstitutional prosectution due to an outdated law being on the books - that is nothing but malfeasance of office- she is NOT supporting the KANSAS and US Constitution....

The law was on its way being repealed and they took the time to STOP the process.....

Doesnt sound to me like they want the law off the books to me.....

To learn more about this and other LGBT issues please go to or

Thanks for reading.....

Will Kansans ever say ENOUGH is ENOUGH??

Many Kansans do not understand that it is LEGAL to DISCRIMINATE!!??!!!

Some do, and apparently want it to continue....

Kansas House member Jan Pauls, Democrat of Hutchinson, is one that obviously wants DISCRIMINATION to CONTINUE.

Paul's, an 8 term Legislator, is the ONLY Representative to CONTINUALLY-year after year- testify AGAINST any NON-DISCRIMINATION Law that is introduced in the Kansas Legislature that would make discriminating against GLBT Kansans illegal.
The gist of her testimony is that employers and landlords as well as business owners should be able to hire, rent or provide services to who they want to without repercussion.  She doesn't want employers and business owners "religious beliefs" being burdened by having to hire someone GAY...That is DISCRIMINATION at its best and when it infringes on peoples rights it is time to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH Kansas- lets keep religion and politics seperate...

Discrimination is discrimination, plan and simple.. It needs to END and it needs to END NOW. If you continue to allow it- you might as well join the Phelps and help spread there vile rhetoric.

Where are all of the MODERATE/CENTRIST Kansans that say they are fiscally conservative but socially welcoming?

Help my friends and I end this ridiculousness...

Please consider donating your time, energy and money over the next several months so we can  pass a NON- DISCRIMINATION LAW in KANSAS, or in our local cities. One way or the other we want protections--NOTHING SPECIAL as the opposition says we want-- just the Rights everyone else has.

As a GAY man, I loathe the idea that an employer has a right not to hire me or one of my intelligent friends or a landlord does not have to lease to us just because our sexual orientation...Come on Kansas...ISN'T IT WAY PAST TIME??? EQUALITY FOR ALL!!!

Close to 90% of Kansans personally know someone who is GAY or LESBIAN. They are our brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, mothers, fathers, nieces, nephews, co-workers, neighbors and friends.

If you want to help, please join the Kansas Equality Coalition . We welcome EVERY law abiding, non discriminating Kansan who believes in diversity!! We appreciate your memberships and donations! Our opposition is well financed and very can help us by joining and getting involved.

Another way to HELP is to share this with everyone you know...Lets make Kansas known for EQUALITY instead of  being the home to the Phelps clan...

Find our KEC Chapter on Facebook  at .

Thanks for listening...

Remember......please don't be silent....