Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Is Kansas the "State of Hate"?......

I have been waiting to write this blog since I started blogging over a month ago. Living in the "State of Hate" is how my gay friends from other parts of the country describe where I live.

The reason they call Kansas the "State of Hate" is because of Fred Phelps. Everyone in the gay community, from coast to coast,  knows the name Fred Phelps. Mr Phelps blames everything on America's tolerance for HOMOSEXUALS..He has blamed the Greensburg tornado, earthquakes, tsunami's and many other natural  disasters on gay people. He and televangelist Pat Roberts both blamed 9-11 on gays. Phelps and his flock, which is mostly family, are most visible at the funerals of fallen military members. Anytime you see these idiots on national TV- the announcer says- "the Topeka Kansas based Westboro Baptist church protested today at.....", so everyone in country thinks that Kansas is nothing but a breeding place of biggot's and homophobes, like him and his followers.

Here is the GOOD NEWS!

Kansas is actually pretty hip! A recent survey of Kansans has reported that 79% of those surveyed think that GLBT individual's deserve the same protections afforded to every other Kansan and that sexual orientation should be a protected class just as race, religion, ethnicity and the disabled.
Even though the Kansas Legislature doesn't believe that,  almost 8 out of every 10 Kansans do.

91 percent surveyed had NO idea GLBT people weren't a protected class. They did not know that their GLBT friends could be FIRED or NOT HIRED just for being gay. They did not know that landlords could deny them housing or evict them just for being GLBT.

For the last 3 years a group call the Kansas Equality Coalition has been trying to get legislation passed to have sexual orientation added to the Kansas discrimination laws. Each year the proposed bill never makes it out of committee.

In  2007, a legislator from Hutchinson, was the ONLY person to testify AGAINST the bill.  She told her fellow legislators that she understood why African Americans needed protections- because they can't change the color of their skin. As for gay people- they don't have to tell anyone they are gay, so  there is not a need to protect them. REALLY, no need to protect- tell that to the kids who have killed themselves this month due to anti-gay bullying- tell the 18 year veteran of a company who was fired the day after the owner asked him if he was gay...tell that to the kid who had to move from his apartment due to repeated vandalism on his vehicle- where FAG was spray painted all over it.
How many times have you ever wondered if someone is gay? If your honest with yourself, you will agree that we all talk about people, we are human, we are curious. If the employer you have been working for, for the last 10 years has never ever seen you at company functions with anyone, and your in your thirties, what do people think- especially if you are a butch woman, a feminine man.- seriously?? Keep your mouths shut, and don't tell anyone--yeah right-- that's like wearing a bill board--I'M GAY!- Its is called PERCEPTION- even if your not....It makes NO sense at all.
In subsequent years, 2008-2010, the same bill has not gotten out of committee.

People in Kansas need to stand up and say- enough is enough.. It is time to show the GLBT individuals of Kansas and the rest of the country that we are not a bunch of biggot's and homophobes, WE ARE NOT the "State of Hate" described by my out of state friend's, we don't support the Fred Phelps type of people.

One last thing about the survey. 89% surveyed said they knew someone who identified as GLBT.
That is up from 63% when the same survey was done in 1993. Looks like most of us know someone who would benefit from these protections or continue to suffer if they are not passed.  Brother, sister, aunt, uncle, cousin, teacher, student, doctor, mechanic, business owner and neighbor- we are everywhere you look- the question is, do you see us?  The better question is do you want to see us?

I think you do Kansas!

Help make Kansas a better place to live for everyone!

Support Employment Non-Discrimination legislation in Kansas....

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Why I named my blog, Blog 462....your gonna love this!

I am sure a few of you wonder why I named my blog, Blog 462. This is one of those stories, that when you hear it, the hairs on the back of your neck might tingle.
20 years ago when I was an officer with the Reno County Sheriffs Dept, I was assigned a badge number, that number was 462. I had to use this number when communicating with the 911 dispatchers, when filing cases and writing tickets. I was only a deputy for few years before going into business. I didn't really think much of the number 462,  until it started showing up in my life very frequently. The first time I remember seeing 462 after my deputy stint, was on a Memorial day, a year or so after leaving the department. I was decorating my fathers grave and  noticed the cemetery had a promotion for the holiday weekend. They were offering plots, interest free, if you signed up during the long weekend. I thought to myself that I probably needed to considwer taking advantage of this deal, especially if they have a site close to my parents.They looked it up and I was able to purchase a plot right next to where my father and mother were so I decided to sign up. Once I got all the paperwork filled out they told me that I would need to make monthly payement for 4 years and handed me several pre addressed envelopes. To my surprise it was an easy address to remember- PO Box 462 Hutchinson. I told my family who was with me that address would be easy to remember as it was my badge number from the Sheriffs Dept..Little did I know that number would start apprearing to me everywhere I went.

As I tell friends about this number that seems to show up all the time. The first thing most of them say is, you better play the lottery. I "never have" and "probably won't" is what my typical reponse is. I think this number means more than that.

Most of you are probably thinking I am off my rocker, so I will share with you a couple of the wildest examples of when and where this number has shown up. This is where you might get that tingly feeling I talked about earlier.

It isn't uncommon that when I an purchasing something that my purchase rings up for $4.62 or my change from a purchase is $4.62. That happens very often and if I am with someone who knows about 462, they shake their head in amazement. Driving around- I will see tags with the numbers 462 or semi trailers that have an ID number of 462, or mile markers  showing 462. Some days or weeks I see it more often than others.

One of the most prolific stories I have about the number 462  is when I was on a getaway weekend to Oklahoma City with my niece Stephanie. We were visiting some of her friends who she hadn't seen for a few years. On our arrival we met everyone in the hotel bar during happy hour. We were catching up, having a few cocktails, telling them about our drive into the city. On the way down we stopped to get gas and bought some snacks the purchase totalled $4.62. Steph told them all about my special number, how bizarre it was and how many times it happens, they all speculated on what it meant. We decided to check in so we could drop the luggage off in our room and then head out to enjoy some of OKC's nightlife. The desk clerk at the Embassy Suites handed me my key and it happened again, my number made an appearance- I got room 462!!! Steph's friends were going crazy but only after they made sure that I had not called ahead and requested the room...To this day when Steph sees her friends from OKC they always bring up 462 and want to hear more of my stories.

The most incredible story about 462 comes from San Francisco. Steph and I were traveling together again.  I was getting an award for Regional Manager of the year from my company. She has never been to the California, so we turned the business trip into a min-vacation in SF. We stayed at one of the hotels on Powell Street. We checked in to the hotel on Sunday afternoon after a night of dancing and cocktails on a private charter in the bay. Our room wasn't ready when we arrived so we had to wait in the lobby  for a few minutes. The hotels restaurant was not open and I was in need of a little hydration from to much celebrating the night before. I asked Steph to go next door to a little cafe I saw when the taxi dropped us off, and get us something to drink. I watched the Chiefs play on a TV in the lobby while she was gone. When she walked back in the hotel, I knew something was wrong. She had this look on her face that told me something is not right. I asked, "whats going on"? Thinking maybe she ran into problems at the cafe. She handed me the cup of Iced tea and said LOOK, LOOK at the cup! She had handed me a styrofoam cup and I could not believe what I was seeing...The cup had the name of the business CAFE 462, and thats not all, the address was in large letters were... 462 POWELL ST. We both looked at each other in  total disbelief. My number and them my last name--WOW.. I know we were staying on Powell St- but come on,--CAFE 462 at 462 Powell St..We didnt say anything to each other for a few minutes...we were both just so blown away.....

I could write a book on all the times this number has appeared in my life. As I said before, who knows what it really means. Is it a pure coincidence? Does it mean anything? Some will say yes, some will say no, it's just 3 numbers.
To me though, as many times as it has shown up, I  believe its a marker someone has given to me. A marker to let me know that the path I'm on is the path I'm supposed to be on.
As long as I continue to see 462, I will believe that. When I stop seeing 462, that's when I will become concerned.

A few recent instances where my number has shown up include my most recent power bill, it was $462. A couple of weeks ago I pulled up to a gas pump and the person before me got $46.20 in fuel. Just today, embarassing at it is, I got an overdraw notice from one of my bank accounts. It is the account I use for my paypal purchases. I bought something and I forgot to move some money into it from my checking.
My account was overdrawn $46.20. The paypal purchase I made that caused me to e overdrawn was an art print I was debating on buying-I didnt know if I should buy it...... looks like now, I made the right decision......

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Connecting and Reconnecting...Just do it!

The other day I reconnected with a High school friend who I had not seen in close to 25 years. We went for coffee one morning and had so much to visit about that we continued our conversation over lunch. As I said we knew each other from High School, she was a senior when I was a junior. We weren't best friends, but we were friends and we had many friends in common. We worked for the same employer during our college summers, got to know each other and then lost touch, as most of us do after high school or college. The only time you would usually reconnect  with HS friends is at a class reunion which I hadn't attended. I didnt want my classmates to know I was gay, thats another blog in itself...

Two or three years ago my neice Stephanie, who I raised since age 13, and is now 30, tried to convince me on a weekly basis to join this internet site called Facebook. She told me it was the "coolest thing you have ever seen".. She explained to me that you can get in touch with anybody, as long as they have a "page" on Facebook.  Me being 42, and not fully understanding this Facebook thing or anything elase about social media, I declined.Who the heck do I need to get in touch with, I thought to myself . It seemed like a bunch of work. Besides, I was on my laptop for work 10 plus hours a day, 7 days a week and really didnt want to spend anymore time on it. She then told me about who she was "friends" with on this site. She started spewing these names and they were people who we both knew from our hometome, many were old friends who both of us hadn't heard from for a few years. I was kind of intrigued by this as it brought back many memories and made me wonder how they all were. A few weeks later when I was at Stephs home in Olathe, she brought her  laptop over to me and showed me pictures of our friends new baby. The crazy thing was-,I had no idea that this couple was expecting. I felt ridiculously bad that I hadn't talked to these people that I used to call friends in over two years!!
She then pointed out that she had connected and reconnected with over 100 people in just a few weeks on this Facebook site. She had connected with co-workers, extended family, people who were in her wedding and several others that she had gone to High School and College with.

What kind of a friend was I, I thought to myself? These are people who I had broken bread with several times, spent many weekends going out partying with when we were younger and finally, a couple who I watched date, get engaged and then exchange wedding vows. What was I going to say when I called to congratulate them?
I finally got the courage to call. I told them how much I sucked as a friend for not staying in touch and I saw that they had a new member of their family on Stephs Facebook. They were so glad to hear from me, it was like our friendship hadn't skipped a beat, I was so relieved!  We promised that we would stay in touch and not go years without talking ever again.
After that conversation I got to thinking what other friends of  mine could have had kids or other major events in their lives that I had NO idea about? What  was I missing out on? I called Steph and told her I wanted to do this facebook thing. I asked her if she would get me started. A week later I did it, I joined  Facebook.

In the 2 years I have been on Facebook I have connected or reconnected with over 300 people. Pretty embarrassing  for someone who didn't know who he wanted to connect with....
This blog ends with what I started it with,,.. My High school friend who I hadn't seen in 25 years  found me on facebook. She asked to become my friend and we exchanged pleasantries, how are you doing, tell me about your family, what are you doing now?  It was a great catch up session.  A week or so later we chatted on  the Instant Messaging. both of our surprise--WE WERE NEIGHBORS!! She lived 2 doors from me, just around the corner! I was shocked and so was she. Note to self- when new neighbors move in, go say hello!

If you have not utilized a social networking site like Facebook, you have no idea what you are missing out on!. There are many people for you to connect with and that want to cnnect with you. I dont know what I would do without it.  If they took Facebook off line, I would have withdrawls!  I check my account at least 4-5 times per day. I actually heard the other day that kids 14-21 check their accounts 20 times per day on average.It truly is addicting and a great way to reconnect and stay connected with everyone you want in your life.

So just  "DO IT"...Join a social networking site- reconnect with friends you haven't seen or spoken with  for years, whatever the reason, its never to late to reconnect! You will love it!
You never know, you just might find that a neighbor is a long lost friend!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Unofficial end of Summer.....and the Beginning of the KS State Fair

The Labor Day  weekend marks the unofficial end of summer. The change of seasons is one of greatest things about living in Kansas. Waiting on that first "cool" front to take the edge off of the summer heat and humidity is a great thing!  Being a weather geek, I knew that  last weeks cool front was the first sign that the summer heat would becoming to an end. No more two to three week stretches of 100 plus degree temperatures and high humidities.  No more national debt electricity bills because the air conditioner runs twenty four seven. Relief in site for the dying lawns, which this year seemed to be extremely prevalent around my neighborhood.. Finally, no more stepping out the door and being drenched- that's one of the worst things about summer, especially this year, the humidity was like living along the Gulf coast without the coast.

Don't get me wrong, I like summer, but only for about 1 month, then I am over it. The only downside to Fall is that the Fall weather patterns can give my arthritis heck. The jetstream starts to strengthen and moves South from Canada, thats  when I become the "human barometer". Pressure differences typically dont affect most people, but in the last couple of years I can tell you when a storm is within a few hundred miles.

Fall is definately coming, and that gives me many things to look forward to. Besides those refreshing cool fronts, there are many thing I look forward to.. Football is number one- High School, College and Pro. Bring on those "boys of Fall" , as a friend said recently. We have a fantastic High school program and it is  always nice to take in a couple of games at our new state of the art football stadium.

Another thing I like about this time of year is the Kansas State Fair. As a kid I lived a block away on 24th Street, just East of Plum St. In the 70's the carnival would come into town by rail and tractors would bring in the rides and concessions, it was a spectacular site to sit in the church parking lot on our bikes and watch everything come together. Especially for a kid who thirsted all year long for those annual 10 days of fun. Living so close to the grounds it wouldn't be out of the question to go 5 or 6 times and a couple times we would go twice in one day. It wasnt cheap going to the fair so I launched what would be my first business. We had a undeveloped lot on the corner down the street from my house, which was a block from the entrance on 23rd St..  When I was in middle school the owner of the property gave me permission to park cars there, we could park 75-100 cars per day. Weekends were the best and busiest days for my little money making venture. I got half of the $3 or $4 per car fee we charged, I was rich!!. Me and a couple of  neighborhood friends would bring our lawn chairs to the lot around 7AM every Saturday and Sunday and someone would stay until after the Night Show started which was about 7:30 if I am remembering correctly.. It was a cash cow which allowed me and my buddies to have a ton of spending money for  the rides, "Fair food "(the food that you can only get for those10 days) and of course those games of chance. We would have to try and try and try to win one of those 3ft tall, brightly colored, stuffed animals that you always see people carrying around. I became the master of shooting baskets throught a small sized hoop and tossing  softballs into a tilted bushel basket without them falling out . I cannot remember how much the "master" title cost me, but it wasn't cheap- I didnt care because I was a high roller! 
We parked cars for 2 or 3  years and had a great time doing so until the lot was sold and a new house was built. To this day I think the reason I still like the Fair so much is that it was something I always looked forward to, almost as much as Christmas..It was a big part of my childhood and definately part of my neighborhood. I could go on and on with fair stories..maybe in another blog..

Enjoy the unofficial beginning of FALL and the Kansas State Fair..I hope you can create some great memories!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Introducing my blog...... BLOG 462

Thanks for taking a few minutes to check out my blog. I have thought about starting a blog for a few months, God knows I have a lot to say about a lot of things. This first blog will let you know a little about me.
I was born in Hutchinson Kansas in I still have your interest?
Seriously though, Hutchinson Kansas is my hometown and I am living back in what locals call the "Salt City" ( due to all the salt mines under our community--miles and miles of underground salt mines), after most recently living in Lenexa a suburb of Kansas City.

I had the best job and worked for the best company in the entire world unitl January of 2008.
When I  woke up one morning late September  2007,  I had the worst pain in both of my shoulders and upper arms. I could not lift the sheets off of me without incredible difficulty because of the intense pain--it was an dull achy pain that was constant and miserable and it intensified with movement or resistance.

I had been seeing a rhuematologist for arthritis in my knees so I called and was able to get an appointment that day. My doctor was on top of things, he knew immediatelt that I was hurting and was concerned that with my family's arthritis and auto immune history something serious might be going on, especially with the symptoms I was describing. He immediately ordered tons of blood work,  xrays and some specialized genetic testing to see if I had a gene that could possibly allow me to get Ankylosing Spondylitis, an arthritic disease my father had.

I worked from home while wating for the results of my blood work as I couldn't travel.  My job required me to travel 3-4 days a week and in no way could I schlep a computer bag that weighed 35 lbs and luggage while flying all over the Central US.  It took about 10 days to get the specialized tests back. The great thing was even though I couldn't travel,  as long as I had a computer and phone I could work anywhere. I just wouldnt be in front of customers for a while and my company was incredibly understanding as I was one of their topgys. I went back into the Dr's office after they call me expecting the hear the result and they had found something and I would need to do this and that and I would be fine. That day, unbeknowst to me would be the beginning of my medical mystery.

The results were negative for my fathers disorder and many other significant non-curable deadly diseases that he had tested me for. Muscular Dystrophy, Polymyositis, Lou Gehrigs disease, HIV and several others were all ruled out...THANK GOD! The arthritis indicators that were also tested showed some elevation and he thought what I was experiencing might be arthritis moving into my shoulders. He decided to treat me with non-steriodial anti-inflammatory meds, steriod injections and pain pills. He injected me in both shoulder joints on a Friday and by Monday I was a NEW person. The pain was almost nonexistent........for about 2 weeks.

The Dr continued to test my blood  every month looking for changes; nothing was changing except for my pain, it was getting worse and it was actually moving on to other joints and tendons. It was always on both sides of my body not just one side, it was like it was mirroring itself. The steriods made me feel great  for 2-3 weeks, he couldnt keep giving me the injections so he started me on prednisone orally. That worked well with my other meds and made me feel better but I was packing on the pounds and being very nasty to loved ones and my friends tat really cared about me. I was also seeing orthopaedic surgeons, neurologists and physical therapists to try and find out what was going on with me as I was getting frustrated and  he knew it. I had 3 months of vacation I  had to use while all this was going on. I was so lucky that my company worked with me while all of this was going on, anyone else in any other company would have probably been let go.

Hers is the kicker.......

It is almost 3 years since my health started giving me problems.I have been treated for Erosive Rheumatiod Arthritis, Rheumatiod Arthtitis, Fibromyalgia, Osteo-arthritis, developed sleep apnea, gained 60 lbs from the massive steroid usage, been  to Mayo Clinic, 4 Rheumatologists, 2 Neurologists, 3 Orthopaedic surgeons and I still DO NOT have a diagnosis. PLUS......
The initial pain has spread from my shoulders and upper arms to my wrists, fingers, neck, hips, knees,   ankles and feet....and I still do not have a DIAGNOSIS or TREATMENT PLAN to get me better so I can be a productive part of society and get back to work, back to my dream job! VERY FRUSTRATING!!

Again, thank goodness for my company, they had a disability retirement type policy that they had on all of the middle managers and executives which has saved me from financial ruin- if they hadn't cared I would be screwed...

My bloodwork has not improved, it has actually gotten worse - it still shows significant inflammation and things that are not normal. One recent item is that my Vitamin D level is 5, the normal is 80. I will be seeing an Endcrinologist at KU Med in Wichita towards the end of the month.

The reason I tell you all of this is so you can see my reason for wanting to blog. I have had 3 years of feeling like poop to think about many things from when I was a kid until now. There are lots of great stories to tell and the things that are important to me I want to share .  I have developed several thoughts on several things, and NO not just politics, religion and gay rights.LIke I said,  I have many thoughts and ideas I want to share so I thought  to myself, what better way to share them then through a blog.

Hope you comeback and check in from time to time, this is great therapy for my mind- and you just might find my blogs to be pretty interesting......

Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend- Fall is in the air here in Kansas, it will be a perfect weekend  weatherwise!