Monday, May 7, 2012

Compromise and Moderation....I'm in, are you?

A column written in The Hutchinson News by Dan Demming last week about the proposed protections for gay persons made excellent sense.  His column was about MODERATION and COMPROMISE, something every elected official in this country needs a lesson in. The column was written about the upcoming City Council meeting on May 15th where the Human Relations Commission will make a recommendation to add sexual orientation and gender identity as protected classes to the city's non-discrimination ordinances.
The Kansas Equality Coalition made the request to the City Council on November 1st, 2011  and was eventually referred to the Hutchinson Human Relations Commission for study.

The uproar from the radical right started immediately after the request was made but was inflamed when the City came out with a "Frequently asked Questions" memo prior to the Public Forums the HRC was planning. This 3 or 4 page memo was based on what is in the current State Statues and Municipal Ordinances that are already protective of minorities groups.

In my opinion this FAQ document was what ignited the massive uproar and outpouring of misinformation by those against the proposed protections. They were fearful, they werent being given any answers, they could only comment at the forums.  It was then that the opponents mobilized just like they have done in every other city across Kansas where these protections have been proposed. Like a well oiled machine, they started cranking out misinformation as fast as it could be manufactured. FOX news even picked up on the proposed ordinance saying that if it passes Churches will be required to perform gay weddings, NOTHING could be further from the truth because Kansas banned gay marriage in a 2005 referendum, a law that was written by Hutchinson Representative Jan Pauls. This proves people will go to any length to SCARE people to try and get their points made- gay people are bad and they are pedophiles BUT I still love you..I got so tired of hearing that... I hope Hutchonians are smart enough to see through the ridiculous of both the FAQ handout as well as the mis-information about forcing churches to perform same sex weddings.

BY ADDING SEXUAL ORIENTATION AND GENDER IDENTITY, ALL THAT DOES,  IS ALLOW A PERSON WHO FEELS THAT THEY HAVE BEEN DISCRIMINATED AGAINST THE ABILITY TO FILE A COMPLAINT WITH THE HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION....Keep in mind the person filing the complaint has the responsibility to prove that the discrimination occurred, it's the same for all other protected classes.

The protections we are talking about include being discriminated from being hired or fired from employment, renting or leasing a living space as well as being discriminated in a public place. The radical religious groups think they should not have to follow these protections because being gay is something that is against their religion- isn't eating shellfish an abomination as well?? - that's a different blog...How or why does my being gay effect how I do my job or live in my home? Lastly, gay dollars spend just as easy as straight dollars- something I am sure most businesses dont care about.

So back to what I am writing about... Moderation and Compromise...  I totally believe there is room for Moderation and Compromise with this ordinance. The crazy thing is, the ordinance has not even been written and the radical religious groups are obviously not interested in any MODERATION, they are calling this a WIN-WIN situation. If the City Council passes an ordinance- they will just get a petition and vote it down in a referendum. It is their way or no way. That sure is a WONDERFUL CHRISTIAN ATTITUDE now isnt it... 

After talking to Dan and others in the community, I am not the Militant Homosexual I have been portrayed to be by certain persons, I am not a pedophile am I am not inflexible as many think.

I am just a 46 year old resident of a wonderful community that I care about, one I have served for many years as a Paramedic and Law Enforcement officer.  A community that has a sizable GLBT community, a community with kids and adults who struggle with their identities and a community who I believe doesn't want their friends, family members and co-workers to be discriminated against simply because of who they are and who they love.

My hopes are that the City Council will accept the recommendation of the HRC and then we can sit down and COMPROMISE on an ordinance that works for everyone. This isnt about shoving something down anyones throat, it never has been, its about Equality.

Lastly,  I only know of two "Transgender" persons who live in Hutchinson. These two person have not even started to transition, and most likely will not live here in Hutchinson when and if they decide to. After all the rhetoric over locker rooms and public restrooms, this issue is just like the FOX News coverage-- entirely overblown to scare the hell out of Hutchinson residents. So to my friends on the right.. lets be real and lets be honest. this is truly a NON ISSUE and you know it.. NO other city in the US has ever reported a violent act perpatrated on a child or adult by a transgender person in a public restroom.. so please STOP this ridiculous rhetoric, 2 persons out of 40,000-- thats a real threat isn't it??

Im ready to work together for a better and Equal Hutchinson, are you?

Monday, April 23, 2012

Lets Spring into Equality

Good day everyone, it has been a month since we last chatted, so I figured today would be a great day to update you on some Equality issues here in the State of Kansas and my hometown of Hutchinson  Kansas.

I want to thank everyone who has been reading my blog. I am shocked that so many people from all over the world are interested in what I have to say, that is incredibly humbling.

Today is a beautiful day, Spring has really sprung here in central Kansas. The trees have all leafed out and the birds are practicing their songs like an orchestra preparing for a performance, it is wonderful!

On the LGBT Equality front there are many things happening. Locally we have GREAT news! The Hutchinson Human Relations Commission, in a 9-0 vote, will be submitting a recommendation to the Hutchinson City Council to add "sexual orientation" and "gender identity" be added as protected classes.

This recommendation didn't come easy.

The opponents are still using the tired scare tactics that women and children will be brutalized in restrooms and that businesses will be sued if they dont have special locker rooms for transgender persons. Anyone who follows this movement knows that this how the opponents stir people up- and the crazy thing is they ask for MONEY while doing it-do you think those contributions are going to the poor and homeless or to soup kitchens?  No it is going to promote hate and bigotry.
These innocent sounding groups like the Family Policy Research Council and the American Family Association go the the local churches and the anti gay political parties i.e. the Tea Party, who are already against LGBT Equality. These group tell the churches and politcal groups that the Gays are coming, the Gays are coming...and they want "special rights"or what they call "special rights" and bingo, you have immediate controversy within some of the so called Christian community and far right radical Republicans, who call themselves "Patriots".

After the opponents lost their arguement they immediately began trying to intimidate the City Council by presenting them with close to 600 signature of people who were against adding these protections. The fact is in Hutchinson only 357 signatures are needed to have a special election of the people- so the opponents are sending a message to the City that if they pass the proposed ordinace, they will be petitioning for a special election, so the public can vote on these proposed civil rights.... As one of the Human Relations Commissioners said, if we would have voted on the Civil Rights act of 1964, we would still have slaves.. which is terribly sad, but most likely true.

What people are arguing over for the most part is Transgender persons. Kansas Equality Coalition, the group I am involved with locally only has one person who identifies as transgender. This member hasnt even started his transition yet.. Our opponents are making lots of noise and trying to scare the heck out of a community.  I only know of two maybe three persons who identify as transgender living in Hutchinson and NOT ONE has even started transitioning. Our opponents make it sound like there are hundreds in Hutchinson wating to start using restroom and locker rooms all over the city and will be filing complaints and lawsuits on a daily basis if they are not allowed to go in to the restroom or locker room of their choice- which couldnt be further from the truth. I will keep you posted on where this ends up.

At the State level, our insanely conservative Kansas House of Representative passed the Bill that will allow Fred Phelps or those like him to sue City's, local school disctricts and universities if the polices they have in place now or any policies or ordinaces they look at enacting in the future would pose a burden or potential burden to their religious beliefs.  The exception to this law is that any exisiting protected class (recognized by the State) cannot be considered  to be a burden, only those groups who are not protected can be sued. Guess which groups they are talking about without even talking about it...YES... you got it.. Those damn LGBT taxpayers and voters...
This law, sadly, is just one vote away from being passed here in Kansas, with the Governor promising to sign it. Our only hope is that smarter and less bigoted heads will prevail in the moderate Kansas Senate. If this law is passed the Radical Religious groups will have pierced that vail that seperates church from State, which is why I dont think it would pass a Constitutional test, but that will take years to get through the courts, with LGBT Equality being set back 50 years.

Religious groups are already a protected class in EVERY State of this country. They are free to discriminate against anyone and everyone they chose to, that is how current laws are written. Why do they need these additonal protections, oh thats right, they claim they are under attack from groups who are ruining marriage and brainwashing their children into becoming Gay..

I have three questions to ask,

When is the last time LGBT persons came to your door wanting to share their lives with you and invite you to a LGBT meeting?

Since Religious groups are under such vigorous attacks, why havent we seen ANY claims filed with local, state and federal Human Relations Commissions or EEOC groups?

So who needs protections?

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Kansas Legislature launches attack on Gay Kansans

It is with great sadness and frustration that I must write another blog that speaks to yet another attack on gay Kansans by the Kansas Legislature. What are Kansas Gays and Lesbians doing to deserve this?

Last year about this time, I wrote about a proposed law that was in the Kansas Legislatures, specifically the House Judiciary Committee:

Thankfully last years Bill was stopped do to significant public outrage, it never got a vote in committee.  Fast forward 1 year to Feb 2012 and the same Bill as last year was proposed in the House Judiciary committee again.
The Bill, HB2260 PASSED out of the committee and will now be voted on by the full House on or about March 13th.

This Bill will allow the infamous anti gay Fred Phelps of Topeka and other anti-gay representatives from the Kansas Family Policy Council, which is part of the Family Research Council and Focus on the Family, to "sue" Gay Kansans, cities, schools and universities if they become a "burden" to their religion-which we already know we are.
The "key" to this proposed law is that they can only sue people or groups who "are not" from a protected class.  Kansas currently protects persons based on Religion, Gender, Origin, Race, Familial Status and Disability....So guess who the Kansas Legislature is targeting? They are singling out and targeting Gay and Lesbian Kansans, as they are not a protected class.

To answer the question why is the Kansas Legislature targeting Gay persons- here is the answer- The Kansas Equality Coalition, a true grass roots GLBT Equality group, has been working with the Kansas Legislature for close to 6 years to try and pass Employment and Housing non-discrimination laws that would protect GLBT Kansans from discrimination as of today Employers and Landlords can fire or evict gay persons for NO reason and it is legal. Our proposed laws would struggle to even get hearings in committees and in most years the proposed law never made it out of  the committees. Kansas Equality Coalition decided to take their fight for EQUALITY to a local level. In 2012 they have made 4 requests to local cities to add sexual orientation and gender identity to the cities list of protected classes- something that has hit a nerve with the "religious fringe" who obviously has the ear of the Kansas Legislature this year.

Additionally, as currently written, HB2260 would WIPE OUT any local ordinances - TAKE AWAY any existing protections gay persons have anywhere in Kansas, including schools and universities, setting back Equality in Kansas at least 50 years.

If this law passes, which it is  looking more and more likely, PROTECTIONS for Gay and Lesbian Kansans will be non-existent and would not be allowed to be worked on locally, without the threat of cities and Equality groups being sued by religious groups who are against Equality. This would allow for the continued discrimination of Gay and Lesbian Kansans which currently exists and is obviously being condoned by the State.

The mere existence of this law should be enough proof for anyone that discrimination is occurring in Kansas, as the law itself is discriminatory and only affect the GLBT communities of Kansas.

Every legislator who VOTES FOR this Bill in the Kansas House, when it comes up next week, should be targeted and ousted for promoting discrimination. This is 2012 not 1960.

If you want to follow this Bill click on the legislative link below as it is always updated:

For my fiscal conservative friends, this proposed law has what they call a fiscal note attached to it, the fiscal note estimated the cost to the taxpayers at $100,000 plus per year - depending how many cases are filed..lets be real - do you think the anti-gay religious crowd wont use this law if passed..each case at $100,000 per year.. As an example KEC is working with 5 cities trying to work on non-discrimination ordinances that $500,000 the right there not including all the GLBT non-discrimination policies from school districts and universities we could be well into the Millions...

Does Kansas need this DISCRIMINATORY LAW aimed at taking away rights from Gay and Lesbian Kansans and costing the state Millions of dollars?....Who do you know that would be affected by this ridiculous law?

If religious groups need to villainies people, why not find another group,  why have they settled on Gay persons? Contrary to what these so called preachers preach on Sundays, gay persons don't choose their sexual orientation. Just like the preachers didn't choose to be heterosexual, I didn't choose to be gay...If these religious groups  need to go after someone to justify their existence why not go after those who "choose" to eat shell fish and touch the skin of a pig when playing football, as those to are both abominations according to the Bible. You know why they wont do that????  Because Red Lobster, Joes Crab Shack and the NFL have money and tons of attorneys to defend ridiculous claims... Kansas Gays dont- they are typically poor or apolitical...the intelligent ones have already fled the persecution...

As a friend of mine said last year, Bigotry wrapped in prayer is still true...

If you want to help support the Kansas Equality Coalition and their fight against the Kansas Legislature, you can donate or join by clicking the link below. All monies help pay for our State Lobbyist and help local chapters to fight for GLBT Equality.

Thank for listening....
 I welcome your comments...

Sunday, October 30, 2011


Most everyone that follows my blog knows that I am very outspoken when it comes to Equality for Gay, Lesbian, Bi-Sexual and Transgendered persons..  I am a member of the Kansas Equality Coalition which has a mission statement of  Ending Discrimination based upon Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity.

As a gay man who was embarrassed and guilty of who I was for many many years (just like many of my friends were and yes, still are) I have finally realized after 40 some years of my life that it is OK to be who I am....except for one problem, where I live, I do not have protections from discrimination.

I live in Hutchinson Kansas. Hutchinson currently has  protections in place, for it citizens based upon color, race, religion, the disabled, national origin and gender. Like most other cities in Kansas, Hutchinson doesn't have protections for those of us who have struggled with being who we are most of our life.

What does this mean to you, you ask, and why is it important?  It means that an employer can decide not to hire you simply based on your actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity. That means if the business you are applying to work for is uneducated or misinformed about sexual orientation or gender identity they can refuse to hire you...and its LEGAL... It also means that if an employer hires you and finds out that you are GBLT they can fire you just for that reason. Additionally without protections, GLBT persons can be denied housing by landlords.

You are probably thinking like some of my own family members who say no way- this doesnt happen in this day an age.....Let me tell you,  IT HAPPENS MANY TIMES PER MONTH, IN HUCHINSON KS.

What is so unfortunate is that so many think GLBT persons are already protected and once they find out they are not they cannot believe it, they are shocked

I had a back and forth conversation with a Hutchinson landlord  on social media who told me I was MISINFORMED when I posted that a friend of mine was kicked out of his apartment because he was attracting "negative" attention at the complex..(his car was being vandalized with spray paint in the complex parking lot) FAG and QUEER were painted on it not once, but twice- so he was evicted. I had another friend who was evicted from her place because she was letting her girlfriend stay over on the weekends and the landlord of her property didn't approve of it.

Don't get me wrong... we have many GREAT people here in Hutchinson...but it is time to hold those who dont believe in Equality and Diversity accountable. EVERYONE deserves the same opportunities in their pursuit of liberty- not just heterosexuals.

I am asking ALL of my family, friends, KEC members and allies to attend the Hutchinson City Council meeting on Tuesday November 1st , when I will be asking them to consider adding Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity as protected classes..

It is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to have as many people present as possible when I make this request.. Number one, I really want and need your support, secondly, it will send a message to the City Council members that we have many people who care and support this issue.

If you would like to know what this will do and how it would affect the community .. please read my previous blog...You will find out not much will just gves GLBT persons the ability to file a complaint if they feel they have been discriminated against..That is something they cant do now.. the Citys Human Relations Commission cannot hear any cases from a GLBT person because we are not a protected class.. so there is NO WAY or NO ONE to report cases of discrimination to, thats what we want to change....


I hope to see you on TUESDAY NOVEMBER 1st at 845am at the Hutchinsons, City Hall council chambers-- Ave B and Walnut..
Lets have a standing room only should be over by 930am


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Understanding Sexual Orientation as a protected class..The facts

Discrimination is the prejudicial treatment of an individual based on their membership in a certain group or category. It involves the actual behaviors towards groups such as excluding or restricting members of one group from opportunities that are available to another group.

Currently, 425 of the Fortune 500 companies include sexual orientation in their anti-discrimination policies. If you want to know why they do this, it is not because they are being good corporate citizens, it is because they do not want to miss out on good talent in the work force. If they didn't offer protections, they could miss out on exceptional employees, both current and future potential employees- who will only work in protected environments. The NFL just last month added employment protections for their players who are/might be gay.
Since the majority of US employees work for smaller companies (60+%) and not the Fortune 500, anti-discrimination protections need to be added at local levels to protect those individuals who work for local and regional employers

Many do not understand what giving a class or group of people protections mean. It is certainly not "special rights" which many who oppose gays and lesbians protections insist. Adding sexual orientation as a protected class allows gay persons ( because they are a group or category as stated above) the right to not be discriminated against when applying for a job, being fired from a job, renting or buying a place to live and public accommodation- local places like stores or restaurants open to the public.

Adding sexual orientation as a protected class allows one thing to happen. It allows for the filing of a complaint with the local or State Human Relations Commission in cases of alleged discrimination.. That's it... PERIOD...Nothing more, nothing less.
Currently there is no one or no agency in Hutchinson that a gay person can report alleged acts of discrimination. That's why there is NO records of alleged acts of discrimination..another point opponents make- "There are no records of discrimination so why add the protections?"

After any alleged act of discrimination is reported by a member of a protected class , the Human Relations Commissions hears the complaint. If they determine discrimination exists after a thorough investigation the person discriminated against can then file suit in District Court to pursue damages.
You cannot just file a discrimination law suit anytime you want, you MUST follow the above procedures. Its the law.

Opponents try and deny protections of any protected classes by saying "Kansas is a Right to Work State".. THAT MAKES NO DIFFERENCE. If you as a member of any protected class feel you have been discriminated against you have the right to file a complaint with the Human Relations Commission. The burden of proof is on you to convince the commission you have been discriminated against.

In the 27 states and over 2500 cities that provide protections based on sexual orientation, those jurisdictions saw no more than an increase of 6% in complaints filed after adding sexual orientation. So adding sexual orientation as a protected class will not open the flood gates of claims and law suits, another claim by opponents. 

By adding protections for sexual orientation,  we are protecting those who identify themselves as gay, lesbian or bi-sexual or for those who may be perceived as being gay, lesbian or bi-sexual.

Lastly, religious organizations and institutions are and have been exempt from abiding by ANY of the current protections. They are allowed to discriminate at will. However, they are protected from being discriminated against, as all religions and their institutions are protected classes.

I hope this provides you with a better understanding of what it means to add Sexual Orientation as a protected class to your cities existing non-discrimination ordinance.

Please support adding sexual orientation as a protected class in your city. Discrimination does exist.. Even if it didn't wouldn't you feel good knowing that your son, daughter, aunt, uncle, cousin, neighbor and friend have protections on the books if they were needed...

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Jerry Lewis and more

This labor day weekend will definately have a different ending for many of us...Its not because of  the  BEAUTIFUL weather we are enjoying after a record breaking summer, it has to do with MDA and Jerry Lewis..

NO 24 hour MDA telethon??  WHAT??? This years show will only be a 6 hour mini-version that starts Sunday evening, and without Jerry Lewis...
Jerry Lewis is MDA if you ask me. When we think Labor Day, many of us think about the 24 hour MDA telethon not just about America's Labor movement (something we really should be proud of)  As a kid you probably stayed up late a few times watching the telethon and all the great entertainers until you feel asleep and the minute you woke up you couldn't wait to see how much money they raised while you were sleeping.
This last minute parting of the ways by MDA and Lewis should be explained to the Millions of Americans who have been loyal viewers, donors and volunteers for years.....Its ashame that MDA and Lewis parted company on such a bad note as many TV and print outlets tell the story. I fear this could be a big of mistake for MDA.  Remember when Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin parted ways, I remember is was a BIG DEAL, don't remember why... but it was definitely talked about by my parents and their friends for a few telethons after the split...

I wonder what happened to the Lewis-MDA  relationship, a relationship that had been extremely lucrative for MDA fundraising. A relationship that any other charity would have given their you know what to had been in for 60 plus years..

As a worldwide charity I believe MDA needs to be honest with those people who gave their labor day weekends and countless volunteer hours for so many years to make this the most successful and longest running telethon in the history of the world.. They need to explain themselves, transparency is going to be very it always is in any charity...If they don't come clean, it will lead to outrageous and ridiculous speculation that could hurt them.

If the truth be known, many people who gave their time and money to MDA, gave it not only because of all those who suffer from the dreaded condition......but because of Jerry Lewis' continual asking them for their help and the impressiveness of his real caring and passion he had for those truly suffering....
For me, Jerry Lewis was an incredible fund raiser and story teller.. I trusted him and what he said and cold tell by his action on the telethon and during the year that he really cared and gave it his all in good times and bad- when his health was not good...

He was one of the only men who could make a grown man cry...I know, I did several times prior to calling in my pledge...


Saturday, August 27, 2011

A personal update..

 I dont know all the in's and out's of the up coming healthcare bill.. I just pray that it will be better than what I and several of my friends have now. A friend with a pre-existing condition ( Breast cancer remission) pays $1200 a month for coverage with a $5000 deductible..
My companies health care provider ended my coverage and REQUIRED me to apply with Medicare after 24 months of my illness. I was shocked, they wanted to cut and run from me when I really needed them. The coverage I have now is comparable except for prescription coverage.. My prescriptions cost me over $1600 per month, or just shy of $20,000 per year, OUT OF MY POCKET....ridiculous huh? Thats not the best of it.. My doc has added a new med she wants me to try --its a newer injectable that will cost me $1400 per month...I can give it a try for a few months..that about it..( at this point I want to try anything I can)- I cant leave any stone unturned..

Speaking of ridiculous, my continued diagnosis of Inflammatory Arthritis, Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue is VERY FRUSTRATING.I am coming up on 4 years since this nightmare started. I take over $3000 a month in medicine, with that amount of money you would think I should be able to walk on water..or at least feel like I could...its not working out that way unfortunately..

The Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia absolutely kick my ass. I am a human barometer when it comes to the Fibromyalgia- thats one of the best descriptors I can offer.. I dont know exactly what it is,  but weather changes just make me miserable.. You ask me what they are, I cant tell you everything, but I sure have somewhat of an idea..Moisture in the area, pressure changes, High or Low, Hi heat, Hi humidity and fronts of any kind- including vorts moving through at very high levels of the atmosphere.. In the Winter- cold air definately adds to my misery.

My fatigue has been like nothing I have ever experienced over the past 6-8 seems to be progressing instead of getting better.I dont have energy!! I dont sleep well- I go to bed early and it depends on how I sleep that determines when I wake up.. some days it is 3AM when I wake up, some days it is 8 or 9.. The crazy part is I do not know what kind of a day I am going to have for a couple of hours after I wake up..I might have slept for 9 hours and 2 hours after getting up I might be miserably fatigued..crazy huh? Some days I might have energy until the afternoon if I am lucky, but most of the time I struggle..
Along with the incredible fatigue I find my muscles, tendons and joints sore and achy most all the time...some days worse than other.. the bad weather days add to the incredible soreness.
The flu-like feeling I have is the worst- I feel like I have the flu- I ache so bad and all I can do is stay in bed..

My Drs want me to do as much as I can.. so I try and do things around the house- or go to lunch with friends or participate in a KEC meeting or support group .. the problem with that is when I do something.. I PAY FOR IT.. I become very very sore a day or so later and it takes me a while to recover...which seems to be harder and harder.

I also experience "FLARES"-- they come on without warning and last anywhere from 2-3 days to 10-14 days, which has been the longest one I have experienced. The flares are where I feel flu-like the entire time.. I am just wiped out and it takes me at least as much time as I was down or more to recover and feel somewhat decent..another thing that DRIVES me crazy is what they call "the fog".. I seem to have that sporadically..there are days where I cannot remember things or concentrate well even when I am in mid sentence- or I forget things.. For those who know me well.. thats NOT me.. never has been.. it drives me NUTS.. so some days I feel my intelligence level is not close to what I am capable of.... also another think I deal with frequently is mood swings..just ask my family, and yes some of you, my friends.. I try but I seem to not be able to control any of these things.. so please be patient with me...I need all the friends I canget to help me through this...

Good days are so far apart these days.. I used to have them more often.. The last few months I haven't been as fortunate..

I continue to gain weight - for many reasons apparently--and no, it not because I sit and eat bon bons and watch soap operas- like some early on Drs  have accused me of -lol- Weight gain is caused by several factors I have been told, including the meds I take, as well as the etiology of the Chronic fatigue syndrome from many of the articles I have been reading and what I am being told by my new experts it just happens..

I really do appreciate all of the well wishes I get from all my friends.. I am sorry if some days it might seem like I am bitchy or moody..

I have tried everything I can to make me feel better, sometimes 2-3 times, just to see if it works, or I missed something.. to this point I have had no real successes..

Thanks again for checking out my blog...its something I enjoy doing..its been a while since I did one.. just haven't felt like putting one together- after several messages lately asking how I am doing I thought I would let all my friends know..

Hope all is well in your lives...thanks again for all the positive thoughts and prayers..continue to include me!
