Monday, May 7, 2012

Compromise and Moderation....I'm in, are you?

A column written in The Hutchinson News by Dan Demming last week about the proposed protections for gay persons made excellent sense.  His column was about MODERATION and COMPROMISE, something every elected official in this country needs a lesson in. The column was written about the upcoming City Council meeting on May 15th where the Human Relations Commission will make a recommendation to add sexual orientation and gender identity as protected classes to the city's non-discrimination ordinances.
The Kansas Equality Coalition made the request to the City Council on November 1st, 2011  and was eventually referred to the Hutchinson Human Relations Commission for study.

The uproar from the radical right started immediately after the request was made but was inflamed when the City came out with a "Frequently asked Questions" memo prior to the Public Forums the HRC was planning. This 3 or 4 page memo was based on what is in the current State Statues and Municipal Ordinances that are already protective of minorities groups.

In my opinion this FAQ document was what ignited the massive uproar and outpouring of misinformation by those against the proposed protections. They were fearful, they werent being given any answers, they could only comment at the forums.  It was then that the opponents mobilized just like they have done in every other city across Kansas where these protections have been proposed. Like a well oiled machine, they started cranking out misinformation as fast as it could be manufactured. FOX news even picked up on the proposed ordinance saying that if it passes Churches will be required to perform gay weddings, NOTHING could be further from the truth because Kansas banned gay marriage in a 2005 referendum, a law that was written by Hutchinson Representative Jan Pauls. This proves people will go to any length to SCARE people to try and get their points made- gay people are bad and they are pedophiles BUT I still love you..I got so tired of hearing that... I hope Hutchonians are smart enough to see through the ridiculous of both the FAQ handout as well as the mis-information about forcing churches to perform same sex weddings.

BY ADDING SEXUAL ORIENTATION AND GENDER IDENTITY, ALL THAT DOES,  IS ALLOW A PERSON WHO FEELS THAT THEY HAVE BEEN DISCRIMINATED AGAINST THE ABILITY TO FILE A COMPLAINT WITH THE HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION....Keep in mind the person filing the complaint has the responsibility to prove that the discrimination occurred, it's the same for all other protected classes.

The protections we are talking about include being discriminated from being hired or fired from employment, renting or leasing a living space as well as being discriminated in a public place. The radical religious groups think they should not have to follow these protections because being gay is something that is against their religion- isn't eating shellfish an abomination as well?? - that's a different blog...How or why does my being gay effect how I do my job or live in my home? Lastly, gay dollars spend just as easy as straight dollars- something I am sure most businesses dont care about.

So back to what I am writing about... Moderation and Compromise...  I totally believe there is room for Moderation and Compromise with this ordinance. The crazy thing is, the ordinance has not even been written and the radical religious groups are obviously not interested in any MODERATION, they are calling this a WIN-WIN situation. If the City Council passes an ordinance- they will just get a petition and vote it down in a referendum. It is their way or no way. That sure is a WONDERFUL CHRISTIAN ATTITUDE now isnt it... 

After talking to Dan and others in the community, I am not the Militant Homosexual I have been portrayed to be by certain persons, I am not a pedophile am I am not inflexible as many think.

I am just a 46 year old resident of a wonderful community that I care about, one I have served for many years as a Paramedic and Law Enforcement officer.  A community that has a sizable GLBT community, a community with kids and adults who struggle with their identities and a community who I believe doesn't want their friends, family members and co-workers to be discriminated against simply because of who they are and who they love.

My hopes are that the City Council will accept the recommendation of the HRC and then we can sit down and COMPROMISE on an ordinance that works for everyone. This isnt about shoving something down anyones throat, it never has been, its about Equality.

Lastly,  I only know of two "Transgender" persons who live in Hutchinson. These two person have not even started to transition, and most likely will not live here in Hutchinson when and if they decide to. After all the rhetoric over locker rooms and public restrooms, this issue is just like the FOX News coverage-- entirely overblown to scare the hell out of Hutchinson residents. So to my friends on the right.. lets be real and lets be honest. this is truly a NON ISSUE and you know it.. NO other city in the US has ever reported a violent act perpatrated on a child or adult by a transgender person in a public restroom.. so please STOP this ridiculous rhetoric, 2 persons out of 40,000-- thats a real threat isn't it??

Im ready to work together for a better and Equal Hutchinson, are you?